pattern family:
item type:
gildan 5000
date dyed:
January 2024
session number:
dye batch:
dye ratio:
4:4 (JJB: DhRaven)
SJ Kranz
tie method:
I inverted the shirt, folded it in half (with the left sleeve into the right), then created pleat folds at an angle (15°) relative to the shirt horizontal.
dye method:
I marked out bands 3" in width. On the top side I applied dye on every-other band. On the bottom I did the opposite: what was dyed on the top was not on the bottom (and vice versa).
on the design:
Peaces 22, 26, 27 and 30 were done as a series to compare how varying the angle of the pleats would affect the look of the final V-pattern. Would shallower or steeper V's look cooler?
on the final product:
The angle does have a pretty big effect on the overall look. Compare this to Peace 30 with the much steeper V. Because the angle is so shallow it looks less like a V and almost like a angled checkerboard. This was the first shirt I tied in this dye session, and I did not tie it as tightly as I did the following three. And because of that, the spots are are less straight/regular and more organic.